Reported to us as a hit and run, Poker was found hiding in the bushes.The impacted cost him a limb, he couldn’t stand he couldn’t move all he could do is crawl, crawl until he felt safe enough to collapse
Flamina, a street dog being looked after by a good samaritan, was hit by a speeding vehicle.The driver couldn’t even be bothered to slow down following the incident.He looked at her in his rear view mirror and continued his drive
Jona was rescued from the port where according to the people there, she was dumped by her owner. she had tumors that we removed. Very very sweet! Loves people good with other dogs. DOB: 9/9/2015
Fergie was rescued from Aley. She was used for breeding and dog fighting. No cats or small animals. With dogs depends! But very friendly with people! DOB: 7/7/2019
Benson is a male mixed Pitbull/pointer. He was dumped and found chained to a pole on the streets! He is friendly with people and dogs. Playful and gentle. DOB: 01/01/2016.
Freckles was dumped in the woods when he was 7 months old. He loves humans, loves the attention. He's good with dogs but he has this thing about new dogs. His welcome signature is to nip them in the butt!