Kindness To Animals Builds A Better World For All Of Us

Contact info (+961) 70 248 765 10:30AM to 3:00PM, Monday - Friday excluding holidays


Breed: Mixed
Gender: Female
Size: Medium to Large
Age: Young Adult

Adopt ZOLA

About ZOLA

Zola was rescued after being reported immobile.
Suffering from a clear skin condition sweet Zola couldn’t have survived had she not been taken in!
She was rushed to the vet and underwent all necessary tests and exams. Zola was diagnosed with a very bad case of mange as well as a very bad flea allergy from being infested by the little creatures. Her little body is severely dehydrated, her body temperature was high which is a clear indication of an infection !
Zola was isolated during her treatment as she was highly contagious and being a puppy, her immunity system was almost none existant.
She’s a sweet , friendly playful dog. She gets along very well with other dogs. DOB: 5/5/2023

ZOLA Photo Gallery
Zola (8)
Zola (7)
Zola (6)
Zola (5)

Zola (4)
Zola (3)
Zola (1)
Zola (2)

Zola (10)
Zola (9)
Zola (11)
Zola (12)