Gaya was rescued after she was hit by a car and dragged unintentionally! Gaya got stuck underneath the vehicle, luckily for her a whiteness of the scene did everything he could to free from the car crushing her … As
Knox was rescued after he was reportedly dragged by a car. Knox’s body has been grated on the hot asphalt, causing his skin to literally fall off in some parts of his body. His front paw clearly got the worst
Saffi was rescued from Jbeil highway, hit by a car, broken leg but nerve damaged, no feeling, we had to amputate. Super sweet, calm, gets along good with other dogs. DOB: 5/5/2018
Evy was rescued from Chekka. She has a piece of her front leg missing. She came with kennel cough and erlishia. She's doing great now! She’s very sweet, calm, and good with other dogs. DOB: 11/11/2020
Kaki was rescued from Ouzai. Someone tied something around his leg and it almost cut it off. He’s friendly, good with people and dogs but he has a tendency to be a bully when there are treats around. DOB: 2/2/2024
Leeza was hit by a car and had a very bad front leg injury. We had to amputate. She was rescued from Safra. She's sweet, friendly and good with people. She's also good with other dogs. DOB: 6/6/2022
Mylo has been rescued with his mom and his two siblings. His mom is Sienna the golden retriever, his two sisters look like the mom. I guess Mylo look like his father! DOB: 5/5/2024
Tchouky was rescued after he was reported severely bleeding with missing ears ! Tchouky was rushed to one of our partnered vets where we found out that not only were his ears chopped off, but that the assailant used a