Kindness To Animals Builds A Better World For All Of Us

Contact info (+961) 70 248 765 10:30AM to 3:00PM, Monday - Friday excluding holidays


Breed: Mixed
Gender: Female
Size: Medium to Large
Age: Adult

Adopt TIA

About TIA

We received a call about a puppy dumped in a cardboard box in a dumpster.
Tia was 3 months old when we found her. Severally emaciated, literally skin and bones And suffering from severe scabies.
She was rushed to the vet where she received all the necessary treatments and iv fluids she needed to be able to stand on her own.
Her skin condition needed time and patience to heal but nothing lots of love & care couldn’t heal.
And look at her now ! She’s an amazing cute puppy!
She’s dog and people friendly, she’s sweet and loving and really deserves the best! DOB: 20/2/2022

TIA Photo Gallery
Tia (28)
Tia (27)
Tia (26)
Tia (25)

Tia (24)
Tia (23)
Tia (22)
Tia (21)

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Tia (18)
Tia (16)

Tia (2)
Tia (1)