Kindness To Animals Builds A Better World For All Of Us

Contact info (+961) 70 248 765 10:30AM to 3:00PM, Monday - Friday excluding holidays


Breed: Mixed
Gender: Female
Size: Medium to Large
Age: Adult



Teela was rescued after falling from a very high distance, it’s a miracle no bone in her body was shattered!
She was walking along side a highway when she got spooked and went a step too far…
Upon impact, her head hit the ground so hard in fact, that it literally blinded her.
Disoriented, unable to find her way out, she was stuck! Stuck in a dried up river bed.
For days she roamed, injured, scared with no access to food or water. Fortunately a good samaritan was able to provide her with what she needed to hang on just a little longer for us to send help…
We rushed to the scene and were able to safely pull her out !
After a long treatment, her vision was back. She can see again but we don’t know if it’s 100%. She’s a sweet, friendly dog, she gets along fine with others.
DOB: 3/3/2022

TEELA Photo Gallery
Teela (11)
Teela (7)
Teela (5)
Teela (6)

Teela (9)
Teela (10)
Teela (12)
Teela (4)

Teela (2)
Teela (3)