Noumea was brought in to one of our partnered vets after she was found barely moving…
A very nice man in the area found her after he heard her screams, she couldn’t move from the pain, she was found near a pile of garbage fending for herself.
Xray showed that her stomach was filled with animal carcasses most likely chicken bones and equivalent !
Her little stomach couldn’t take it, as a result she suffered from a severe gastric perforation, which basically means multiple puncture wounds to the inside of her stomach causing her immense pain and putting her life at risk !
Surgery of this kind is very risky especially in such a small pup, but without it her survival rates are none existent !
Noumea was rushed into surgery to try and save her life, the success rate of the surgery being 50/50 we really hope she pulls through…
The next 72 hours were critical, sweet Noumea had been admitted to the ICU.
She was hooked to an IV to make sure she got everything she needed in order to give her every possible chance at survival.
DOB: 7/11/2022