More and more animals are being abandoned daily in-front of animal hospitals, clinics and in worst cases pet shops!
We are receiving tens of calls daily from our partnered vets desperate to place the animals that have been left at their door steps.
People do not realize that animal hospitals are not equipped to take in healthy pets, instead of helping them they would be putting them at risk for diseases and sicknesses from the contagious animals already in their care!
Dinky included! He was abandoned at a pet shop after suffering from an animal bite to the shoulder and a clear skin irritation limited to his face.
Dinky was rushed to the vet to undergo all necessary tests and exams.
His bite to the shoulder was badly infected, he has been put on an aggressive form of antibiotics, as for his skin infection
To top it all off he was also suffering from a flea infestation to his whole body.
Luckily Dinky was rescued, we do not even want to think about the repercussions that would arise had he stayed at the clearly horrific pet shop, look at the state of that cage!
He would have most probably been used to be bred repeatedly..
Stop abandoning your pets !
Convincing yourselves that an animal hospital/pet shop is better than the streets is utter BS.
He’s such a sweet, and friendly dog. Good with other dogs. DOB: 12/12/2021
DINKY Photo Gallery