Kindness To Animals Builds A Better World For All Of Us

Contact info (+961) 70 248 765 10:30AM to 3:00PM, Monday - Friday excluding holidays

Beta’s Gala: To New Beginnings

It is time for our yearly gathering at the prestigious Sursock Palace Gardens where the animal welfare cause will be put under the spotlight for the 13th consecutive year.
September 5th is the night to support the animals while celebrating in a lovely ambiance with live entertainment, talented artists, and an exquisite open buffet and bar.

This is one of our major fundraisers that will help us continue the fight for the animals and pledge to give them a second chance and a better life, especially with the current project we are working on: the imminent building of a new environment-friendly shelter, designed in accordance with international standards, where rescue dogs and cats will lead a better life, horses will live in a stable, monkeys in a small sanctuary imitating their environment, and injured birds get rehabilitated in an aviary with birdhouses until being released.

Mark your calendar and join us at 8:30 PM to toast “To New Beginnings”.
For reservations, please call 70248765 between 10:30 AM and 3 PM from Monday to Friday, or email:
You can also get your ticket online:

Always fought for the animal welfare

Nevertheless, as we have always fiercely fought for the animal welfare cause, we worked round the clock to finally receive a work permit allowing us to continue the construction work despite the lockdown, in accordance with the precautionary and preventive measures taken by the competent authorities.

As of now, fences for the dog areas and kennels are being set up, the horses’ stables have been built, and we are glad to announce that our horses and donkey will be moving to their new home in the next few weeks.

In the upcoming weeks/months, the focus will be on the kennels for dogs and the special designated area for seniors who desperately need a comfortable shelter that fulfills their needs. However, finishing up the construction has become more pressing, as it is only a matter of time before the unthinkable happens and the eviction notice is enforced and our hundreds of animals are thrown out of the current land, without having a refuge.

Your support has helped us achieve what seemed like a dream, and it is only your support that will provide hundreds of dogs, cats, horses, monkeys and a donkey with a decent shelter and a good life.

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” ― John Lennon

Join With Us

    Event Info

    • Event Date & Time
      05 September,2019 08:30pm - 10:30pm
    • Event Venue
      Sursock Palace Gardens
    • Contact Number
      (961) 70 248765

    Event Location

    Recent Event

    • Beta’s Gala
      • Sursock Street, St Nicolas, Beirut, Lebanon
      • September 5, 2019
    • Beta’s Gala 5
      • Sursock Street, St Nicolas, Beirut, Lebanon
      • September 5, 2019
    • Beta’s Gala 6
      • Sursock Street, St Nicolas, Beirut, Lebanon
      • September 5, 2019
    We have rescued more than 5000 animals
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