Kindness To Animals Builds A Better World For All Of Us

Contact info (+961) 70 248 765 10:30AM to 3:00PM, Monday - Friday excluding holidays


Breed: Labrador
Gender: Female
Size: Large
Age: Young Adult



Marnie and her sister Sherrie have been rescued after their mom and brother have been killed. We found them cuddled up against their dead mother’s body, near a busy intersection and e couldn’t leave them there. These two adorable labrador pups are real sweethearts. They love cuddling, and they are very playful . But like all puppies, they will need training and discipline. They are great with other dogs and cats. DOB: 11/11/2023

MARNIE Photo Gallery
Marnie (23)
Marnie (22)
Marnie (21)
Marnie (19)

Marnie (18)
Marnie (17)
Marnie (8)
Marnie (4)

Marnie (3)
Marnie (1)