Shubi was rescued after he was spotted, lying on the side of the road after being struck by a vehicle bleeding and in a horrific state. Shubi’s story is heart wrenching, yet filled with hope because of the caring individual
Nasha was rescued after she had fallen down a well ! We do not know how long she’s been in there but at first glance she was thought to be dead… Her frail immobile body made us think that there
Gamby was rescued after we received heart breaking pictures of him roaming the streets. Gamby was rushed to the nearest Vet and underwent all necessary tests and exams. His blood test showed severe anemia, his rapid tests came back positive
Slash was hit by a car in Jbeil. We had to remove one eye, he had a broken lower mandible and broken pelvis. Very sweet, friendly, good with other dogs. DOB: 5/5/2023
Crush was left to die by his owners, his own supposed guardians.Crush was reported to us by a worried neighbor, he had seen him for weeks being neglected and every time he tried to reason with the previous owners he